Conspiracy Theories!
I'm a Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami. I study public opinion and mass media, with a focus on conspiracy theories. I am coauthor of American Conspiracy Theories (Oxford, 2014) and editor of Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe Them (Oxford, 2018). My textbook on conspiracy theories is Conspiracy Theories: A Primer. Scroll down for a list of recent media appearances.
Quick Reading! Links to some of my opinions, op-eds, blog posts:
Long Form Interviews:
The Rolling Stone Interview
The Los Angeles Times Interview
The Lakmusz Interview (Hungary)
The Chronicle of Higher Education Interview
On Trends in Conspiracy Theories:
Clear Thinking about Conspiracy Theories for Skeptical Inquirer
Don't Freak Out for the NY Daily News
You Are the Monster in the Room for Welt (Germany)
About COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories:
Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories for The Atlantic
Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories for the Washington Post
On QAnon:
QAnon is not growing for The Guardian
QAnon and sex trafficking beliefs for LSE
On Voter Fraud:
Voters often imagine fraud in the Washington Post
2020 Voter Fraud beliefs in Newsweek
About False Flag Conspiracy Theories:
Parkland Conspiracy Theories on the LSE Blog
Pipe Bomber Conspiracy Theories on the Washington Post
On Satanic Panic and Grooming Conspiracy Theories:
Satan Looms Large in US Politics for LSE USAPP Blog
Popular and Contemporary Conspiracy Theories:
JFK Conspiracy Theories for NBC
More JFK Conspiracy Theories for LSE USAPP Blog
Climate Change Conspiracy Theories in Open Democracy
Rigged Elections! for Washington Post
Media Conspiracy Theories in the Washington Post
Conspiracy Charts on Vox
Girthers are Losers for POLITICO
Immigration Conspiracy Theories at LSE USAPP Blog
A Poll on QAnon at the Washington Post's Monkey Cage
Conspiracy Theories in Florida at the Orlando Sentinel based on our own polling
On Conspiracy Theorists:
Conspiracy Theories and Violence in the Washington Post
Losers! for CNN
Conspiracy Theories for Right and Left in the Washington Post
Convincing People of Conspiracy Theories in Democratic Audit UK
On Trump's Conspiracy Theories:
Trump's Disruptive Politics on Vox
The Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theories in POLITICO
The Conspiracy President in Newsweek
2016 Election Conspiracy Theories in Newsweek
The Conspiracy Election in Newsweek
On Fake News:
Freaking Out Over Fake News for Reason Magazine
Social Media Policy for University of Cambridge Bennett Institute
Don't Blame Social Media! for The Conversation
Top Lines from our recent polls:
June Poll of Florida
June Poll 2020 US Top Lines
March 2020 US Top Lines
October 2020 US Top Lines
May-June 2022 US Top Lines
Recent Media Appearances, Updated November 24, 2024:
Chatting with the Telegraph and NBC News about the "second shooter"
In The New York Times talking about Trump's conspiracy theories
Talking with the Chattanooga Times about church conspiracy theories
On "The Ringer" podcast with Derek Thompson
Talking about Trump assassination conspiracy theories in Wired
In the AP discussing J.D. Vance's 180 on conspiracy theories
Chatting with CNN about candidate names
In Yahoo News discussing the "second shooter"
Hanging out with David Farrier on the Flightless Bird podcast
The Satanic Panic that never really goes away in the New York Times
In PsyPost talking about White Replacement Conspiracy Theories
On the radio discussion the latest Scarlett Johansson Movie
Appearing on In the Room with Peter Bergen
My research mentioned on The Dispatch regarding US Presidents
Interviewed by The Daily Orange about conspiracy theories
Talking to ABC about Trump and conspiracy theories
Chatting with UM Communications about Deepfakes
My research featured in The Economist
In the Washington Post discussing Taylor Swift
With UM News on Taylor Swift
Talking more about Taylor Swift with ABC
In the Telegraph, talking Taylor Swift
Chatting with NBC about Jeffrey Epstein documents
Discussing conspiracy theories with ABC News
More Taylor Swift on KNAX AM
On the BBC Radio Podcast
Chatting with the Miami Herald about JFK
Voicing my views on JFK for Voice of America (Russian)
Appearing on the 'Not Another Politics Podcast' Podcast
Talking conspiracy theory movies with Goteborgs-Posten (Sweden)
Discussing conspiracy theories with the Chattanooga Times Free Press
Talking about trends with the Guardian
Pontificating with Politifact about smart cities
Chatting with the Guardian about sticking it to the 'liberal media'
Talking conspiracy theories with Rolling Stone
Hanging out with my good friends at Reason, discussing Tik Tok
Discussing moral outrage with Houston Public Radio
Talking to The Economist about Trump
Chatting with my friends at PsyPost about social media
Reason discussing my research
Chatting with the New York Times about "Demon Horses"
More Soros nonsense with Al Jazeera
Talking to Insider about Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories
Interviewed by PsyPost
Debunking conspiracy theories in Scientific American
Chatting with Edsall in the New York Times
My work featured in Reason
Getting ready for CSI Con
Talking Alex Jones Lawsuits with Insider
Chatting with Bloomberg about QAnon
My polling data featured in Newsweek
On PBS Newshour talking pandemic conspiracy theories
In the LA Times talking about immigration conspiracy theories
My latest paper featured in PsyPost
Conspiracy theory candidates in the Arizona Mirror
Consiracy theories in the LA Times here and here
QAnon in Canada for the CBC
In the Daily Beast talking Ukraine
Florida politics in the Washington Post
Talking Wordle, with Insider
Medical conspiracy theories in Australia
QAnon running for Congress, Arizona Mirror
Quote of the week for the Dallas Morning News
Chatting with the Washington Post about voter fraud beliefs
Talking to UM about the birds
Talking QAnon in The Skimm
The Maxwell trial, for The Independent
In Politico discussing Butterflies and Conspiracy Theories
Chatting with France 24 about Neil Young
In The Atlantic talking QAnon sex trafficking beliefs
Interviewed by Rolling Stone
On the You Are Not So Smart Podcast
American Conspiracy Theories in Mother Jones and The Smart Set
Talking to Bloomberg about deradicalization
9/11 cosnpriacy theories with Poynter
Discussing voter fraud theories with Bloomberg
Dispelling myths with my friends at Politifact
In the Chicago Tribune discussing Invermectin
9/11 Conspriacy theories with ABC Podcast
My polls used to make a Washington Post Quiz
Talking with the Spokesman-Review about conspiracy theorists in office
Chatting with Mic about 9/11
Talking to the New York Times about the sources of Trump's support
Appearing on the Exit Strategy Podcast
Appearing on the Don't be Mediocre Podcast
Chatting with M on the Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy Podcast
Talking conspiracy theories with the folks at 538
Third time is a charm, on the Politics, Politics, Politics Podcast
Chatting with Slate about cults
Talking about the HBO QAnon documentary
Discussing the Capitol Riot in the New York Times
Talking about QAnon with 538
In the Philadelphia Inquirer
Hanging out on the Science of Politics Podcast
Chatting with the Lawfare Podcast
Featured in the New York Times talking QAnon
In the New York Times again, talking about the Capitol Riot
In the Washington Post, talking QAnon and Spirituality
On Houston Public Radio, talking conspiracy theories and QAnon
Featured in Nature, talking conspiracy theories and misinformation
Debunked conspiracy theories about the protests, in Tampa Bay Times
Talking about Christians and QAnon for Deseret News
Conspiracy theories about anal swabs in The Daily Beast
Talking Yoga and QAnon for the BBC
Discussing the Nashville bomber with The New York Times
Talking to Wired about Joe Biden and misinformation
Chatting with Yahoo about extremism
My second appearance on Jonah Goldberg's podcast
Writing for Reason Magazine about Lies
Talking conspiracy theories and social media for Orlando's Channel 2
Trump and Conspiracy theories for the Spokesman-Review
The end of the Trump era in the Washington Post
Chatting conspiracy theories with the New York Daily News
Talking to POLITICO about election fraud beliefs
Quoted in the Financial Times about "big tech"
Quoted again in the Financial Times about Trump's conspiracy theories
Talking to 538 about QAnon
Chatting with The Hill about Michael Flynn and QAnon
Talking with The Telegraph about QAnon
Sorting Fact from Fiction with Politifact
The Times talking QAnon
Talking with National Geographic
Jade amulets in the Daily Beast
Talking conspiracy theories with my friends at Al Jazeera
Writing for POLITICO about Biden
Writing for POLITICO about Trump
Long read about my research in Knowable
Talking conspiracy theories with Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Chatting with Vox about Trump
Hanging out with Channel 5 in Cleveland: Voter Fraud
Talking voter fraud in the Miami Hurricane
Appearing on WFTV Orlando
On CBS Sunday Morning News talking QAnon
Talking to WSVN Ch. 7 about election conspiracy theories
Talking to The Atlantic about Trump's COVID
Talking to NBC News about QAnon
In the Phoenix New Times talking conspiracy theories
Writing for the NY Daily News
Interviewed for Elemental
Writing for the Daily Globe & Mail
In the New York Times talking QAnon
Dallas Morning News on QAnon
Hanging out with Mother Jones about Q
Talking to USA Today about Shadowgate
Appearing on the Disaster Bros Podcast
In the Palm Beach Post
Appearing on Newsy to talk QAnon
Appearining on CBS Morning News to talk QAnon
Chatting QAnon on NPR
More QAnon in the Washington Post
Talking to the Washington Post about QAnon
Chatting with the Washington Post about QAnon
Talking to CNN about Michael Flynn
Talking to the American Press Institute about covering conspriacy theories
Writing in Newsweek about vaccine uptake
My research in Real Clear Science
Talking Bill Gates conspiracy theories to the Inquisitr
Talking to OZY
In the LA Times
My work pops up a few times on John Oliver Show
Appearing on WGBH Boston's Greater Boston
Talking to Dana Milbank at the Washington Post
Escaping conspiracy theories with Vice
Swimming conspiracy theories with The Ringer
Tik Tok QAnon with Yahoo News
QAnon candidates in the New York Times
QAnon on Fox News in the Intelligencer
Fact checking the crazy in USA TODAY
Fact checking more crazy in USA TODAY
Talking QAnon in Talking Points Memo
More QAnon on the Forward
Interviewed by The Economist 1843
Speaking with the Religion Media Centre about QAnon
Chatting with CNet about BLM conspiracy theories
Talking to Self Magazine about conspiracy theorists
Talking to Courthouse News about Covid-19 conspiracy theories
Chatting with The Guardian about Q
Writing for The Conversation about Conspiracy Theories on Social Media
Writing for Newsweek about Michael Flynn
In the New York Times discussing QAnon candidates
Quoted in USA Today because Oprah is not running a sex trafficking ring
Hanging out on the Unlatched Mind Podcast
Helping fact check bogus claims
Conversation with the BBC about Bill Gates
Talking to the Washington Post about QAnon Candidates
Chatting QAnon in The Week
Will COVID affect the Election? Talking to The U
Talking to ABC about how Joe Scarborough did not kill anyone
On the Critically Speaking Podcast
Chatting with the Australian Broadcasting Company
Hanging out on AlJazeera
Appearing on RadioWest
Making it into a Gene Lyons column discussing stupid internet nonsense
Talking to ABC about QAnon candidates
Appearing on The Dispatch
Conspiracy theories with Radio New Zealand
Talking to PBS Rewire about conspiracy theories
Chatting with Las Vegas Ch. 3
In The Atlantic's Shadowland coverage here, here, and here, and here
On the Politics, Politics, Politics! Podcast
Getting "unpacked" on Christian Radio
On Isreal News Talk Radio
Driving down Route 50 chatting conspriacy theories
On WORT in Madison, WI talking conspiracy theories
Chatting with about Bill Gates
On Candadian TVO The Agenda
On the 538 Politics Podcast
Writing for the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review
Interviewed in the Miami New Times about COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories
Chatting about conspiracy theories with The Conversation
University of Miami News asks about Corona Conspiracy Theories
Talking with PBS Newshour about Corona-virus conspiracy theories
Interviewed by Harvard Crimson about conspiracy theories, drawing criticism from The College Fix
Chatting with Vox about the spread of coronavirus conspiracy theories
Commenting on QAnon supporters running for government in Texas
Coronavirus in the Palm Beach Post
Talking Bernie and Castro to CBS Ch.4 Miami
Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories at The U
Chatting about Epstein conspiracy theories with the Washington Times
My research cited in The New Yorker
Cited in Popular Mechanics
Talking about Bolton to the Washington Post
Talking QAnon to the New York Times
Talking Coronavirus to Wired
Appearing on Fox to talk about QAnon
Talking to Wired and the Financial Times about those pesky Epstein conspiracy theories
Two of my papers cited in this Bloomberg article about Fact-Checkers
Talking to AFP about Trump-Ukraine conspiracy theories
On NPR discussing conspiracy theories
Chatted with Peter Beinart in The Atlantic
Grant award to my team to study conspriacy theories
Talking to Scripps about Epstein conspiracy theories
The Conversation takes on my research
My Interdisciplinary team takes on Extremist Conspiracy Theories
Writing for the LSE about Immigration conspriacy beliefs
Long form interview in the LA Times about conspriacy theories
Talking to E&E News about Trump's Deep State conspiracy theories
In Politifact talking about false flag shootings
In The Nation talking Trump's conspiracy theories
Talking with Time Magazine about Area 51
Appearing on TRT talk show about conspiracy theories
New York Post: Conspiracy Theorists named a threat by FBI
Chatting with NBC News about Clinton conspiracy theories
Who believes in aliens? Chatting with Business Insider
Democrats descend on Miami, CBS
Talking to Business Insider about partisan asymmetry
A letter to the editor of The New Yorker about my letters to the editor data
CNET: Is big-tech conspiring against us?
Talking to the Washington Post about the Moon Landing
Talking election fraud with CBS Miami
In the New Republic about Pizzagate
Talking with Wired about 5G conspiracy theories
Chatting with my pal Brian Dunning
Causing trouble at CFI
Jumping on the Games of Thrones bandwagon, for NBC
Going mainstream, in the New Yorker
Opening up this week's This American Life
Mob conspiracy theories in VICE
Talking to 538 about conspiracy theories
My ongoing disagreement with Rosenberg at Salon
On the Politics! Politics! Politics! podcast!
What about those Zika Conspiracy Theories?
Chatting with the Whatever Remains Podcast about the Denver Airport conspiracy theory
Talking Flat Earth with The Verge
Discussing mob conspiracy theories with Vice
Newsweek on Amazon and pseudo-science books
Writing for University of Cambridge Bennett Institute on Social Media Policy
Christchurch conspiracy theories for the New Zealand Herald
My second piece for Arc Digital: Is the Internet driving conspiracy theories?
The first in a series for Arc Digital: Was 2018 the year of conspiracy theory?
Talking to Undark about the psychology of conspiracy theories
A review of Conspiracy Theories & the People Who Believe Them by a conspiracy theorist
Talking to Wired about the Cohen hearings
Talking to BBC Radio about conspiracy theories
On Fox News talking about felons voting
Interviewed by the Guardian about YouTube conspiracy theories
Writing for LSE USAPP Blog about immigration conspiracy theories
Check out my recent radio interviews of Hugo Drochon, Sophie Gaston, and Tom Nichols on the House of Mystery Radio Network
The Audio file from my talk at LSE this past summer from the LSE Ballpark Podcast
My appearance on the Matthew Dentith Podcast talking about conspiracy theories
My appearance on CBS Sunday Morning w/ Jane Pauley on 11/25
Writing for LSE about the Kennedy Assassination
Writing about False Flags for the Washington Post
Talking about Satanic Pedophile Ring Conspiracy Theories with Vice
Talking to USA Today about voter fraud
AP interviewing me about the pipe bomber
False Flags at the New York Times
More False Flags at the Huffington Post and Global News
Chatting fluoride conspiracy theories with NBC News
Talking to CBS News about the Florida Governors Race
Talking to Fox News about the Florida midterms
Had a wonderful time speaking at CSI Con in Las Vegas!
The Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion is finally out, and I recommend it!!
Conspiracy theorists calling me fat. Don't they know the camera adds ten pounds?
Chatting about the local races in the Miami Herald
Writing in the Washington Post about QAnon; here is the response from QAnon
My book quoted by the Ayn Rand Institute
My book quoted by Skeptical Science
Appearing on House of Mystery Radio
Vigilante Justice! - in the High Country News
Writing for the Orlando Sentinel about conspiracy theories in Florida
Writing about Hurricane Preparedness in the Miami Herald
Making sense of Flat-Earthers at the BBC
George Soros is not a Nazi Collaborator! in the Daytona Beach News Journal
Quoted in Bisnow; Where will Google site its new headquarters?
My book discussed in Finnish Sitra
Interview with Vot, in Slovakia
A critique of my work, in Salon
Talking about QAnon to the BBC
Featured in a video by the Huffington Post
Talking to Snopes
Interviewed in German Zeit
Talking to Science Magazine Cosmos
Appearing on WQED in San Fransisco
Featured interview in the Chronicle of Higher Education
Quoted or discussed regarding the QAnon theory in the New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Post, Washington Post, The Guardian, New Hampshire Union Leader, AP, Splinter News, USA Today, PolitiFact, Medium, Newsweek, Quartz, Fox News, Heavy, Buzzfeed, TeenVogue, La Nacion, The Daily Dot, The Sun, The Press Herald, BBC, South China Morning Post, PinkNews, Der Standard, Wired
Talking conspiracy theories in the Washington Post
Is George Soros Dangerous? in The International Chronicles
Conspiracy Theories about missing people in The Vancouver Star
Catch me every week on House of Mystery Radio
At The Pluralist: Yes, Conspiracy Theories are still for Losers!
No, Jews do not control the weather! Talking with the Jewish Chronicle
Talking to MacLean's about internet conspiracy theories
The Dr. Joe Uscinski Marathon on House of Mystery Radio - Parts 1 and 2
Talking about Don jr. in Politico
On Russian Conspiracy Theories, in The Economist
On Dogs and Conspiracy Theories: An interview with the Center for Skeptical Inquiry
Why do conspiracy theories feel so good? In The Outline
Initial draft of Denialism or Conspiracy Thinking? with Casey Klofstad
Writing at the LSE about the Parkland conspiracy theorists
Appearing on KJZZ in Phoenix to talk about false flag conspiracy theories
Talking to TeenVogue about Parkland conspiracy theories
My research on presidential ranking polls mentioned in 538 and Newsmax
Talking to Bloomberg's Newsy about conspiracy theories
Chatting with The Guardian about YouTube conspiracy theories
The Daily Mail discusses my research on conspiracy socialization
Discussing Florida's District 27 Congressional race in the Miami Hurricane
In fighting the anti-VAX gibberish
Writing for LSE's USAPP blog about Donald Trump's approval ratings
Background Briefing with Ian Masters talking conspiracy theories
Apparently, my most controversial writing yet: Donald Trump's waistline, at POLITICO
Latest paper on partisanship and conspiracy theories, with Steven Smallpage and Adam Enders
Chatting with the Washington Post about FBI conspiracy theories
The House of Mystery weekly Conspiracy Countdown, January 16th!
Late Night on Spaced Out Radio, with Dave! Talking conspiracy theory and fake news
Talking Flat Earth Conspiracy Theories with the LA Times
House of Mystery hits five years! Check us out!
Appearing on the WaitWhatif Podcast with Kevin!
What does your conspiracy chart say about you? - on Vox
My latest publication on climate change conspiracy theories, with Santiago Olivella - Research & Politics
Proud to join The House of Mystery Radio program, broadcasting on KKNW 1150 A.M. Seattle. Please subscribe to our YouTube page. I will be discussing the top conspiracy theories each week.
Check out my most recent talk at Pitzer College. Thanks to the students and faculty at Pitzer for a wonderful time.
Writing about the Kennedy paper for NBC News
Talking to the Washington Post about conspiracy theory illustrations
Talking to the Miami Herald about JFK conspiracy theories
Chatting with the editor of The Atlantic about conspiracy theories
Discussing JFK in LiveScience, The Boston Globe, and 610AM WIOD
What about Steve Bannon? In Newsweek.
In the UK's Daily Mail: Conspiracy Theories really are for losers!
My deep dive into conspiracy theorizing in Eurozine
My latest article on Climate Change Conspiracy Theories with Stephan Lewandowsky and Karen Douglas
Chatting with PsyPost about Losers
Talking Trump and Hurricanes in the Washington Examiner
Who believe in conspiracy theories, in Big Think
Talking conspiracy with the Professional Accountants of Canada
When it comes to conspiracy theories, the right and left are both losers - Vice
My research mentioned in Harper's
Chatting about Alex Jones and Megyn Kelly in The Atlantic
Telling Wired how make their conspiracy theories legit
Who isn't investigating Trump? Talking about citizen sleuths in POLITICO
Discussing the "Deep State" in Newsweek
Appearing on 1A, NPR in Washington DC
Understanding Conspiracy Theories in ZME Science
My latest article on why people believe in voter fraud - Political Research Quarterly
My talk at the London Fortean Society in July. Thank you to the Forteans for a sold-out night and too many pints after.
Discussed in Psychology Today, how to spot fakes
Featured in Harper's, the rise of the alt-right
My research used to support marijuana legalization. Totally cool, dude. In
Talking about Seth Abramson's conspiracy theories in The Chronicle of Higher Education
Discussed by Rob Brotherton in the CSI
Writing for CREST: Everyone is a conspiracy theorist
Thank you to the Brighton Skeptics for a great night!
Dan Rather and I discuss conspiracy theories in a documentary running on the New York Times
Darin DeWitt, Matthew Atkinson and I discuss Trump's conspiracy rhetoric at with commentary by Jonathan
Bernstein at Bloomberg
My research explains why young people in Italy turn to conspiracy theories
A panel I organized on Trump's 100 Days featuring WIOD's Fernand Amandi and Fmr. Congressman Patrick Murphy
The Facebook Killer Conspiracy Theories in
Why Trump's Conspiracy Theories work, in Bustle
Chatting with Kerri Miller about Republicans, on MPR
My research discussed by the Washington Post
Quoted by Breitbart, talking about facts
Quoted by Pour la Science in France
My work discussed by the Washington Free Beacon
American Conspiracy Theories reviewed in Perspectives on Politics
Fake News Watch discussing American Conspiracy Theories
Interviewed by The Blaze
Late Night on the BBC
Mentioned in the Washington Free Beacon
Some racy conversation on the podcast: Trolling with Logic
Featured in The New York Times
Interviewed by Inverse
Chatting with the LA Times
Writing about Fake News for Reason Magazine
Chatting with Germany and Norway
Talking Trump and the Media at Washington State University's Foley Institute
Talking Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories on WSVN 7
Chatting Conspiracy Theories with Inland 360
Talking Conspiracy Theories with The Daily Evergreen
Coverage of my appearance at The Foley Institute
Trump's Inauguration with NBC 6
Populism and Conspiracy Theories with The Spokesman-Review
Reacting to the Inaugural Speech for the LSE American Politics and Policy Blog
Cited in an excellent piece on the PLOS Blog
My coauthor Joe Parent on CBS Morning News
My book, "American Conspiracy Theories" cited by Salon
Chatting with my friends at DCist about voter fraud and pizzagate
What's up with all of the conspiracy theorists in the Trump Administration? - Washington Post
Talking Pizzagate with the Washington Post
On the air with Michael Shermer, LA Public Radio
Talking with the Washington Post again about Pizzagate
Chatting Pizza and Fake News in The Daily Dot
Talking to Politico about Conspiracy Theories in the Trump White House
Chatting Pizzagate with CNN
Writing about the Electoral College for the Orlando Sentinel
Appearing on the Mailard Report
Cited in Paste Magazine: Pizza and Conspiracy Theories
Fighting Fake News with
Chatting in German with the Inter-View
Writing for the Miami Herald about the Electoral College
The Election Night Party in the Miami Hurricane
Appearing on the Nightmare 365 Podcast
On Canadian Radio: Does Fact-Checking work?
Conspiracy theories on both sides - in the LA Times
Talking Florida with CBS ch. 4 Miami
Talking Trump with Newsday
Making election predictions for Paraguay
Chatting about Early Voting in Palm Beach Post
Florida Politics in the Netherlands
Discussing the election in Germany
Talking politics in El Salavdor
On the Indonesian News
More from Indonesia
On Fox News Channel discussing climate change
Predicting a Trump loss - at Yahoo News!
Can it be over soon? - with the Enumclaw Currier Herald
Talking JFK Conspiracy Theories on the James Lambert Podcast
Talking Tech conspiracy theories, with Tech News World
Talking about how busy I am with the Miami New Times
Discussing Rigged elections with Reason Magazine
Why is Trump a conspiracy theorist, in the New York City Lens
Talking about the Clinton hacks on Wired
Chatting about Conspiracy Theories on the Kerri Miller show
Chatting about Fact Checking with CBC Radio Canada
Criticizing the Fact Checkers at NPR
Chatting Conspiracy Theories with the London School of Economics
Rigging at The Washington Post
Featured in the Miami Hurricane
Chatting Clinton conspiracies with the Toronto Star
In Newsweek - Did the DNC kill a staffer?
How to spot a conspiracy theory at the BBC
In the Toronto Star talking conspiracy theories on the right and left
Chatting with Kerri Miller about Money! - Minnesota Public Radio
Five years ago: Named the #1 enemy of Truth by 9/11
Speaking to Salon about Hillary's earpiece and pickle jar
My Elections Course discussed here and here
Writing in the Washington Post about Trump's Media Conspiracy Theories
Writing in Politico about the Five Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theories
Quoted in the Daily Kos
Losing Facebook friends in Politico
Chatting Conspiracy Theories with Portugal's Negocios
Writing in the Washington Post about rigged elections
Chatting with NPR about election fraud
Discussing election conspiracy theories with the Dayton Daily News and the Washington Post
Discussing conspiracy theories with Japan
Working Paper detailing Americans' belief in voter fraud
Chatting with CBS Miami about Bernie supporters
Writing about Hillary's choice of Tim Kaine for the London School of Economics
In the Seattle Met discussing the missing Malaysian Jet Airliner
On CBS Miami talking about "Plagiarism-gate"
In the Washington Examiner: The convention will not help Trump
Writing for the Washington Post about the effect of the two conventions
In CBS News chatting about Senators
In Who will be Trump's VP pick?
In the Boston Globe: What's wrong with Trump?
In the New York Times: What if Trump doesn't concede?
On the Orlando shooting conspiracy theories in the New York Times
Four hours of great conspiracy radio on Midnight in the Desert with Heather
Talking about a tragic and mysterious death in the Atlanta Journal Constitution
Helping Politifact figure out how to fact check Donald Trump's Isis claims
In the Washington Post talking Mark Zuckerberg and Lizard People
In Cosmopolitan Magazine talking about conspiracy theories and mass shootings
In Newsweek talking about Donald Trump's conspiracy theories.
Discussing Presidents and Conspiracy Theories on Fox News
Chatting with the Telegraph and NBC News about the "second shooter"
In The New York Times talking about Trump's conspiracy theories
Talking with the Chattanooga Times about church conspiracy theories
On "The Ringer" podcast with Derek Thompson
Talking about Trump assassination conspiracy theories in Wired
In the AP discussing J.D. Vance's 180 on conspiracy theories
Chatting with CNN about candidate names
In Yahoo News discussing the "second shooter"
Hanging out with David Farrier on the Flightless Bird podcast
The Satanic Panic that never really goes away in the New York Times
In PsyPost talking about White Replacement Conspiracy Theories
On the radio discussion the latest Scarlett Johansson Movie
Appearing on In the Room with Peter Bergen
My research mentioned on The Dispatch regarding US Presidents
Interviewed by The Daily Orange about conspiracy theories
Talking to ABC about Trump and conspiracy theories
Chatting with UM Communications about Deepfakes
My research featured in The Economist
In the Washington Post discussing Taylor Swift
With UM News on Taylor Swift
Talking more about Taylor Swift with ABC
In the Telegraph, talking Taylor Swift
Chatting with NBC about Jeffrey Epstein documents
Discussing conspiracy theories with ABC News
More Taylor Swift on KNAX AM
On the BBC Radio Podcast
Chatting with the Miami Herald about JFK
Voicing my views on JFK for Voice of America (Russian)
Appearing on the 'Not Another Politics Podcast' Podcast
Talking conspiracy theory movies with Goteborgs-Posten (Sweden)
Discussing conspiracy theories with the Chattanooga Times Free Press
Talking about trends with the Guardian
Pontificating with Politifact about smart cities
Chatting with the Guardian about sticking it to the 'liberal media'
Talking conspiracy theories with Rolling Stone
Hanging out with my good friends at Reason, discussing Tik Tok
Discussing moral outrage with Houston Public Radio
Talking to The Economist about Trump
Chatting with my friends at PsyPost about social media
Reason discussing my research
Chatting with the New York Times about "Demon Horses"
More Soros nonsense with Al Jazeera
Talking to Insider about Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories
Interviewed by PsyPost
Debunking conspiracy theories in Scientific American
Chatting with Edsall in the New York Times
My work featured in Reason
Getting ready for CSI Con
Talking Alex Jones Lawsuits with Insider
Chatting with Bloomberg about QAnon
My polling data featured in Newsweek
On PBS Newshour talking pandemic conspiracy theories
In the LA Times talking about immigration conspiracy theories
My latest paper featured in PsyPost
Conspiracy theory candidates in the Arizona Mirror
Consiracy theories in the LA Times here and here
QAnon in Canada for the CBC
In the Daily Beast talking Ukraine
Florida politics in the Washington Post
Talking Wordle, with Insider
Medical conspiracy theories in Australia
QAnon running for Congress, Arizona Mirror
Quote of the week for the Dallas Morning News
Chatting with the Washington Post about voter fraud beliefs
Talking to UM about the birds
Talking QAnon in The Skimm
The Maxwell trial, for The Independent
In Politico discussing Butterflies and Conspiracy Theories
Chatting with France 24 about Neil Young
In The Atlantic talking QAnon sex trafficking beliefs
Interviewed by Rolling Stone
On the You Are Not So Smart Podcast
American Conspiracy Theories in Mother Jones and The Smart Set
Talking to Bloomberg about deradicalization
9/11 cosnpriacy theories with Poynter
Discussing voter fraud theories with Bloomberg
Dispelling myths with my friends at Politifact
In the Chicago Tribune discussing Invermectin
9/11 Conspriacy theories with ABC Podcast
My polls used to make a Washington Post Quiz
Talking with the Spokesman-Review about conspiracy theorists in office
Chatting with Mic about 9/11
Talking to the New York Times about the sources of Trump's support
Appearing on the Exit Strategy Podcast
Appearing on the Don't be Mediocre Podcast
Chatting with M on the Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy Podcast
Talking conspiracy theories with the folks at 538
Third time is a charm, on the Politics, Politics, Politics Podcast
Chatting with Slate about cults
Talking about the HBO QAnon documentary
Discussing the Capitol Riot in the New York Times
Talking about QAnon with 538
In the Philadelphia Inquirer
Hanging out on the Science of Politics Podcast
Chatting with the Lawfare Podcast
Featured in the New York Times talking QAnon
In the New York Times again, talking about the Capitol Riot
In the Washington Post, talking QAnon and Spirituality
On Houston Public Radio, talking conspiracy theories and QAnon
Featured in Nature, talking conspiracy theories and misinformation
Debunked conspiracy theories about the protests, in Tampa Bay Times
Talking about Christians and QAnon for Deseret News
Conspiracy theories about anal swabs in The Daily Beast
Talking Yoga and QAnon for the BBC
Discussing the Nashville bomber with The New York Times
Talking to Wired about Joe Biden and misinformation
Chatting with Yahoo about extremism
My second appearance on Jonah Goldberg's podcast
Writing for Reason Magazine about Lies
Talking conspiracy theories and social media for Orlando's Channel 2
Trump and Conspiracy theories for the Spokesman-Review
The end of the Trump era in the Washington Post
Chatting conspiracy theories with the New York Daily News
Talking to POLITICO about election fraud beliefs
Quoted in the Financial Times about "big tech"
Quoted again in the Financial Times about Trump's conspiracy theories
Talking to 538 about QAnon
Chatting with The Hill about Michael Flynn and QAnon
Talking with The Telegraph about QAnon
Sorting Fact from Fiction with Politifact
The Times talking QAnon
Talking with National Geographic
Jade amulets in the Daily Beast
Talking conspiracy theories with my friends at Al Jazeera
Writing for POLITICO about Biden
Writing for POLITICO about Trump
Long read about my research in Knowable
Talking conspiracy theories with Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Chatting with Vox about Trump
Hanging out with Channel 5 in Cleveland: Voter Fraud
Talking voter fraud in the Miami Hurricane
Appearing on WFTV Orlando
On CBS Sunday Morning News talking QAnon
Talking to WSVN Ch. 7 about election conspiracy theories
Talking to The Atlantic about Trump's COVID
Talking to NBC News about QAnon
In the Phoenix New Times talking conspiracy theories
Writing for the NY Daily News
Interviewed for Elemental
Writing for the Daily Globe & Mail
In the New York Times talking QAnon
Dallas Morning News on QAnon
Hanging out with Mother Jones about Q
Talking to USA Today about Shadowgate
Appearing on the Disaster Bros Podcast
In the Palm Beach Post
Appearing on Newsy to talk QAnon
Appearining on CBS Morning News to talk QAnon
Chatting QAnon on NPR
More QAnon in the Washington Post
Talking to the Washington Post about QAnon
Chatting with the Washington Post about QAnon
Talking to CNN about Michael Flynn
Talking to the American Press Institute about covering conspriacy theories
Writing in Newsweek about vaccine uptake
My research in Real Clear Science
Talking Bill Gates conspiracy theories to the Inquisitr
Talking to OZY
In the LA Times
My work pops up a few times on John Oliver Show
Appearing on WGBH Boston's Greater Boston
Talking to Dana Milbank at the Washington Post
Escaping conspiracy theories with Vice
Swimming conspiracy theories with The Ringer
Tik Tok QAnon with Yahoo News
QAnon candidates in the New York Times
QAnon on Fox News in the Intelligencer
Fact checking the crazy in USA TODAY
Fact checking more crazy in USA TODAY
Talking QAnon in Talking Points Memo
More QAnon on the Forward
Interviewed by The Economist 1843
Speaking with the Religion Media Centre about QAnon
Chatting with CNet about BLM conspiracy theories
Talking to Self Magazine about conspiracy theorists
Talking to Courthouse News about Covid-19 conspiracy theories
Chatting with The Guardian about Q
Writing for The Conversation about Conspiracy Theories on Social Media
Writing for Newsweek about Michael Flynn
In the New York Times discussing QAnon candidates
Quoted in USA Today because Oprah is not running a sex trafficking ring
Hanging out on the Unlatched Mind Podcast
Helping fact check bogus claims
Conversation with the BBC about Bill Gates
Talking to the Washington Post about QAnon Candidates
Chatting QAnon in The Week
Will COVID affect the Election? Talking to The U
Talking to ABC about how Joe Scarborough did not kill anyone
On the Critically Speaking Podcast
Chatting with the Australian Broadcasting Company
Hanging out on AlJazeera
Appearing on RadioWest
Making it into a Gene Lyons column discussing stupid internet nonsense
Talking to ABC about QAnon candidates
Appearing on The Dispatch
Conspiracy theories with Radio New Zealand
Talking to PBS Rewire about conspiracy theories
Chatting with Las Vegas Ch. 3
In The Atlantic's Shadowland coverage here, here, and here, and here
On the Politics, Politics, Politics! Podcast
Getting "unpacked" on Christian Radio
On Isreal News Talk Radio
Driving down Route 50 chatting conspriacy theories
On WORT in Madison, WI talking conspiracy theories
Chatting with about Bill Gates
On Candadian TVO The Agenda
On the 538 Politics Podcast
Writing for the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review
Interviewed in the Miami New Times about COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories
Chatting about conspiracy theories with The Conversation
University of Miami News asks about Corona Conspiracy Theories
Talking with PBS Newshour about Corona-virus conspiracy theories
Interviewed by Harvard Crimson about conspiracy theories, drawing criticism from The College Fix
Chatting with Vox about the spread of coronavirus conspiracy theories
Commenting on QAnon supporters running for government in Texas
Coronavirus in the Palm Beach Post
Talking Bernie and Castro to CBS Ch.4 Miami
Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories at The U
Chatting about Epstein conspiracy theories with the Washington Times
My research cited in The New Yorker
Cited in Popular Mechanics
Talking about Bolton to the Washington Post
Talking QAnon to the New York Times
Talking Coronavirus to Wired
Appearing on Fox to talk about QAnon
Talking to Wired and the Financial Times about those pesky Epstein conspiracy theories
Two of my papers cited in this Bloomberg article about Fact-Checkers
Talking to AFP about Trump-Ukraine conspiracy theories
On NPR discussing conspiracy theories
Chatted with Peter Beinart in The Atlantic
Grant award to my team to study conspriacy theories
Talking to Scripps about Epstein conspiracy theories
The Conversation takes on my research
My Interdisciplinary team takes on Extremist Conspiracy Theories
Writing for the LSE about Immigration conspriacy beliefs
Long form interview in the LA Times about conspriacy theories
Talking to E&E News about Trump's Deep State conspiracy theories
In Politifact talking about false flag shootings
In The Nation talking Trump's conspiracy theories
Talking with Time Magazine about Area 51
Appearing on TRT talk show about conspiracy theories
New York Post: Conspiracy Theorists named a threat by FBI
Chatting with NBC News about Clinton conspiracy theories
Who believes in aliens? Chatting with Business Insider
Democrats descend on Miami, CBS
Talking to Business Insider about partisan asymmetry
A letter to the editor of The New Yorker about my letters to the editor data
CNET: Is big-tech conspiring against us?
Talking to the Washington Post about the Moon Landing
Talking election fraud with CBS Miami
In the New Republic about Pizzagate
Talking with Wired about 5G conspiracy theories
Chatting with my pal Brian Dunning
Causing trouble at CFI
Jumping on the Games of Thrones bandwagon, for NBC
Going mainstream, in the New Yorker
Opening up this week's This American Life
Mob conspiracy theories in VICE
Talking to 538 about conspiracy theories
My ongoing disagreement with Rosenberg at Salon
On the Politics! Politics! Politics! podcast!
What about those Zika Conspiracy Theories?
Chatting with the Whatever Remains Podcast about the Denver Airport conspiracy theory
Talking Flat Earth with The Verge
Discussing mob conspiracy theories with Vice
Newsweek on Amazon and pseudo-science books
Writing for University of Cambridge Bennett Institute on Social Media Policy
Christchurch conspiracy theories for the New Zealand Herald
My second piece for Arc Digital: Is the Internet driving conspiracy theories?
The first in a series for Arc Digital: Was 2018 the year of conspiracy theory?
Talking to Undark about the psychology of conspiracy theories
A review of Conspiracy Theories & the People Who Believe Them by a conspiracy theorist
Talking to Wired about the Cohen hearings
Talking to BBC Radio about conspiracy theories
On Fox News talking about felons voting
Interviewed by the Guardian about YouTube conspiracy theories
Writing for LSE USAPP Blog about immigration conspiracy theories
Check out my recent radio interviews of Hugo Drochon, Sophie Gaston, and Tom Nichols on the House of Mystery Radio Network
The Audio file from my talk at LSE this past summer from the LSE Ballpark Podcast
My appearance on the Matthew Dentith Podcast talking about conspiracy theories
My appearance on CBS Sunday Morning w/ Jane Pauley on 11/25
Writing for LSE about the Kennedy Assassination
Writing about False Flags for the Washington Post
Talking about Satanic Pedophile Ring Conspiracy Theories with Vice
Talking to USA Today about voter fraud
AP interviewing me about the pipe bomber
False Flags at the New York Times
More False Flags at the Huffington Post and Global News
Chatting fluoride conspiracy theories with NBC News
Talking to CBS News about the Florida Governors Race
Talking to Fox News about the Florida midterms
Had a wonderful time speaking at CSI Con in Las Vegas!
The Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion is finally out, and I recommend it!!
Conspiracy theorists calling me fat. Don't they know the camera adds ten pounds?
Chatting about the local races in the Miami Herald
Writing in the Washington Post about QAnon; here is the response from QAnon
My book quoted by the Ayn Rand Institute
My book quoted by Skeptical Science
Appearing on House of Mystery Radio
Vigilante Justice! - in the High Country News
Writing for the Orlando Sentinel about conspiracy theories in Florida
Writing about Hurricane Preparedness in the Miami Herald
Making sense of Flat-Earthers at the BBC
George Soros is not a Nazi Collaborator! in the Daytona Beach News Journal
Quoted in Bisnow; Where will Google site its new headquarters?
My book discussed in Finnish Sitra
Interview with Vot, in Slovakia
A critique of my work, in Salon
Talking about QAnon to the BBC
Featured in a video by the Huffington Post
Talking to Snopes
Interviewed in German Zeit
Talking to Science Magazine Cosmos
Appearing on WQED in San Fransisco
Featured interview in the Chronicle of Higher Education
Quoted or discussed regarding the QAnon theory in the New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Post, Washington Post, The Guardian, New Hampshire Union Leader, AP, Splinter News, USA Today, PolitiFact, Medium, Newsweek, Quartz, Fox News, Heavy, Buzzfeed, TeenVogue, La Nacion, The Daily Dot, The Sun, The Press Herald, BBC, South China Morning Post, PinkNews, Der Standard, Wired
Talking conspiracy theories in the Washington Post
Is George Soros Dangerous? in The International Chronicles
Conspiracy Theories about missing people in The Vancouver Star
Catch me every week on House of Mystery Radio
At The Pluralist: Yes, Conspiracy Theories are still for Losers!
No, Jews do not control the weather! Talking with the Jewish Chronicle
Talking to MacLean's about internet conspiracy theories
The Dr. Joe Uscinski Marathon on House of Mystery Radio - Parts 1 and 2
Talking about Don jr. in Politico
On Russian Conspiracy Theories, in The Economist
On Dogs and Conspiracy Theories: An interview with the Center for Skeptical Inquiry
Why do conspiracy theories feel so good? In The Outline
Initial draft of Denialism or Conspiracy Thinking? with Casey Klofstad
Writing at the LSE about the Parkland conspiracy theorists
Appearing on KJZZ in Phoenix to talk about false flag conspiracy theories
Talking to TeenVogue about Parkland conspiracy theories
My research on presidential ranking polls mentioned in 538 and Newsmax
Talking to Bloomberg's Newsy about conspiracy theories
Chatting with The Guardian about YouTube conspiracy theories
The Daily Mail discusses my research on conspiracy socialization
Discussing Florida's District 27 Congressional race in the Miami Hurricane
In fighting the anti-VAX gibberish
Writing for LSE's USAPP blog about Donald Trump's approval ratings
Background Briefing with Ian Masters talking conspiracy theories
Apparently, my most controversial writing yet: Donald Trump's waistline, at POLITICO
Latest paper on partisanship and conspiracy theories, with Steven Smallpage and Adam Enders
Chatting with the Washington Post about FBI conspiracy theories
The House of Mystery weekly Conspiracy Countdown, January 16th!
Late Night on Spaced Out Radio, with Dave! Talking conspiracy theory and fake news
Talking Flat Earth Conspiracy Theories with the LA Times
House of Mystery hits five years! Check us out!
Appearing on the WaitWhatif Podcast with Kevin!
What does your conspiracy chart say about you? - on Vox
My latest publication on climate change conspiracy theories, with Santiago Olivella - Research & Politics
Proud to join The House of Mystery Radio program, broadcasting on KKNW 1150 A.M. Seattle. Please subscribe to our YouTube page. I will be discussing the top conspiracy theories each week.
Check out my most recent talk at Pitzer College. Thanks to the students and faculty at Pitzer for a wonderful time.
Writing about the Kennedy paper for NBC News
Talking to the Washington Post about conspiracy theory illustrations
Talking to the Miami Herald about JFK conspiracy theories
Chatting with the editor of The Atlantic about conspiracy theories
Discussing JFK in LiveScience, The Boston Globe, and 610AM WIOD
What about Steve Bannon? In Newsweek.
In the UK's Daily Mail: Conspiracy Theories really are for losers!
My deep dive into conspiracy theorizing in Eurozine
My latest article on Climate Change Conspiracy Theories with Stephan Lewandowsky and Karen Douglas
Chatting with PsyPost about Losers
Talking Trump and Hurricanes in the Washington Examiner
Who believe in conspiracy theories, in Big Think
Talking conspiracy with the Professional Accountants of Canada
When it comes to conspiracy theories, the right and left are both losers - Vice
My research mentioned in Harper's
Chatting about Alex Jones and Megyn Kelly in The Atlantic
Telling Wired how make their conspiracy theories legit
Who isn't investigating Trump? Talking about citizen sleuths in POLITICO
Discussing the "Deep State" in Newsweek
Appearing on 1A, NPR in Washington DC
Understanding Conspiracy Theories in ZME Science
My latest article on why people believe in voter fraud - Political Research Quarterly
My talk at the London Fortean Society in July. Thank you to the Forteans for a sold-out night and too many pints after.
Discussed in Psychology Today, how to spot fakes
Featured in Harper's, the rise of the alt-right
My research used to support marijuana legalization. Totally cool, dude. In
Talking about Seth Abramson's conspiracy theories in The Chronicle of Higher Education
Discussed by Rob Brotherton in the CSI
Writing for CREST: Everyone is a conspiracy theorist
Thank you to the Brighton Skeptics for a great night!
Dan Rather and I discuss conspiracy theories in a documentary running on the New York Times
Darin DeWitt, Matthew Atkinson and I discuss Trump's conspiracy rhetoric at with commentary by Jonathan
Bernstein at Bloomberg
My research explains why young people in Italy turn to conspiracy theories
A panel I organized on Trump's 100 Days featuring WIOD's Fernand Amandi and Fmr. Congressman Patrick Murphy
The Facebook Killer Conspiracy Theories in
Why Trump's Conspiracy Theories work, in Bustle
Chatting with Kerri Miller about Republicans, on MPR
My research discussed by the Washington Post
Quoted by Breitbart, talking about facts
Quoted by Pour la Science in France
My work discussed by the Washington Free Beacon
American Conspiracy Theories reviewed in Perspectives on Politics
Fake News Watch discussing American Conspiracy Theories
Interviewed by The Blaze
Late Night on the BBC
Mentioned in the Washington Free Beacon
Some racy conversation on the podcast: Trolling with Logic
Featured in The New York Times
Interviewed by Inverse
Chatting with the LA Times
Writing about Fake News for Reason Magazine
Chatting with Germany and Norway
Talking Trump and the Media at Washington State University's Foley Institute
Talking Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories on WSVN 7
Chatting Conspiracy Theories with Inland 360
Talking Conspiracy Theories with The Daily Evergreen
Coverage of my appearance at The Foley Institute
Trump's Inauguration with NBC 6
Populism and Conspiracy Theories with The Spokesman-Review
Reacting to the Inaugural Speech for the LSE American Politics and Policy Blog
Cited in an excellent piece on the PLOS Blog
My coauthor Joe Parent on CBS Morning News
My book, "American Conspiracy Theories" cited by Salon
Chatting with my friends at DCist about voter fraud and pizzagate
What's up with all of the conspiracy theorists in the Trump Administration? - Washington Post
Talking Pizzagate with the Washington Post
On the air with Michael Shermer, LA Public Radio
Talking with the Washington Post again about Pizzagate
Chatting Pizza and Fake News in The Daily Dot
Talking to Politico about Conspiracy Theories in the Trump White House
Chatting Pizzagate with CNN
Writing about the Electoral College for the Orlando Sentinel
Appearing on the Mailard Report
Cited in Paste Magazine: Pizza and Conspiracy Theories
Fighting Fake News with
Chatting in German with the Inter-View
Writing for the Miami Herald about the Electoral College
The Election Night Party in the Miami Hurricane
Appearing on the Nightmare 365 Podcast
On Canadian Radio: Does Fact-Checking work?
Conspiracy theories on both sides - in the LA Times
Talking Florida with CBS ch. 4 Miami
Talking Trump with Newsday
Making election predictions for Paraguay
Chatting about Early Voting in Palm Beach Post
Florida Politics in the Netherlands
Discussing the election in Germany
Talking politics in El Salavdor
On the Indonesian News
More from Indonesia
On Fox News Channel discussing climate change
Predicting a Trump loss - at Yahoo News!
Can it be over soon? - with the Enumclaw Currier Herald
Talking JFK Conspiracy Theories on the James Lambert Podcast
Talking Tech conspiracy theories, with Tech News World
Talking about how busy I am with the Miami New Times
Discussing Rigged elections with Reason Magazine
Why is Trump a conspiracy theorist, in the New York City Lens
Talking about the Clinton hacks on Wired
Chatting about Conspiracy Theories on the Kerri Miller show
Chatting about Fact Checking with CBC Radio Canada
Criticizing the Fact Checkers at NPR
Chatting Conspiracy Theories with the London School of Economics
Rigging at The Washington Post
Featured in the Miami Hurricane
Chatting Clinton conspiracies with the Toronto Star
In Newsweek - Did the DNC kill a staffer?
How to spot a conspiracy theory at the BBC
In the Toronto Star talking conspiracy theories on the right and left
Chatting with Kerri Miller about Money! - Minnesota Public Radio
Five years ago: Named the #1 enemy of Truth by 9/11
Speaking to Salon about Hillary's earpiece and pickle jar
My Elections Course discussed here and here
Writing in the Washington Post about Trump's Media Conspiracy Theories
Writing in Politico about the Five Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theories
Quoted in the Daily Kos
Losing Facebook friends in Politico
Chatting Conspiracy Theories with Portugal's Negocios
Writing in the Washington Post about rigged elections
Chatting with NPR about election fraud
Discussing election conspiracy theories with the Dayton Daily News and the Washington Post
Discussing conspiracy theories with Japan
Working Paper detailing Americans' belief in voter fraud
Chatting with CBS Miami about Bernie supporters
Writing about Hillary's choice of Tim Kaine for the London School of Economics
In the Seattle Met discussing the missing Malaysian Jet Airliner
On CBS Miami talking about "Plagiarism-gate"
In the Washington Examiner: The convention will not help Trump
Writing for the Washington Post about the effect of the two conventions
In CBS News chatting about Senators
In Who will be Trump's VP pick?
In the Boston Globe: What's wrong with Trump?
In the New York Times: What if Trump doesn't concede?
On the Orlando shooting conspiracy theories in the New York Times
Four hours of great conspiracy radio on Midnight in the Desert with Heather
Talking about a tragic and mysterious death in the Atlanta Journal Constitution
Helping Politifact figure out how to fact check Donald Trump's Isis claims
In the Washington Post talking Mark Zuckerberg and Lizard People
In Cosmopolitan Magazine talking about conspiracy theories and mass shootings
In Newsweek talking about Donald Trump's conspiracy theories.
Discussing Presidents and Conspiracy Theories on Fox News